What is the Cut-off function in Merreo?

Vijay Prabu

Last Update één jaar geleden

The cut-off function makes your hiring process more efficient, especially if you have a very high applicant to hires ratio, or if you are recruiting from campus placements. The cut-off function, when applied, changes the candidate status tag from “Under Review” to “Not Interested” for the candidate who does not meet the criteria.

It neither removes those candidates nor hides them. The cut-off setting just classes the candidates under a different tag - “Not Interested”. You will have access to those data, and you can freely move candidates from the “Not Interested” tag to the “under review” tag or even to the “Shortlisted” tag, and vice versa.

For each status tag, there will be a separate tab where you can see only the candidates who have that specific status tag. So, you can use the tabs to navigate the candidates faster.

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